meet our trainees

meet our trainees

Meet Delia, Eddic and Melina, our current trainees at the Austrian office and say hello to Nico and Jonas, who successfully completed their training at nesevo. Our apprentice program has been highly successful over the years and has given employees a fantastic...
nesevo international – full 360° approach

nesevo international – full 360° approach

Another project that is displaying our full 360° approach:Order management of all hardware in Austria 🇦🇹, customized cabling in China 🇨🇳, international logistics and delivery management from our various locations worldwide. Installation...
nesevo official ÖBSV sponsor

nesevo official ÖBSV sponsor

nesevo official ÖBSV sponsor Inclusion is one of the core values at nesevo. So we are happy to support the Österreichischer Behindertensportverband (Austrian sport association for people with disabilities) as a sponsor. At nesevo we want to help athletes with...
Case Study – DC services in Tokyo

Case Study – DC services in Tokyo

We’re back in Japan for another project. 🇯🇵 This time we provided a fully integrated rack delivery, DC services and trouble shooting. All gear was purchased locally and integrated in Tokyo. So thanks to our excellent network, local presences and...
Case Study – data center move across Europe

Case Study – data center move across Europe

nesevo is on the road again!  After delivering 20 fully integrated racks in Amsterdam, we helped a customer with a data center move from Frankfurt to Paris and finally picked up a truckload of new servers, delivering them to a new destination. The nesevo summer tour...